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COVID-19-hemmende Wirkung von Withanoliden beinhaltet die gezielte Aktivierung des Oberflächenrezeptors ACE2 der Wirtszelle: Erkenntnisse aus computergestützten und biochemischen Untersuchungen

Studienübersetzung: The study investigates the inhibitory activity of withanolides against COVID-19 by targeting the host cell surface receptor ACE2. Computational and biochemical assays were used to gain insights into this activity. The study is an in vitro study and focuses on the antimicrobial and antiviral effects of Ashwaghanda, Schlafbeere, Winterkirsche, Withaferin A, and Withania Somnifera. The research was published on October 1, 2022, and the DOI is The full-text is not available. The PMID/PMOID for this study is 33797339. Link to the study: [1]

[1] Kalra RS, Kumar V, Dhanjal JK, Garg S, Li X, Kaul SC, Sundar D, Wadhwa R
COVID-19-hemmende Wirkung von Withanoliden beinhaltet die gezielte Aktivierung des Oberflächenrezeptors ACE2 der Wirtszelle: Erkenntnisse aus computergestützten und biochemischen Untersuchungen
Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics. 2022 Oct;40(17):7885-7898. doi: 10.1080/07391102.2021.1902858