Erektile Dysfunktion und Saponine

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Tribulus terrestris im Vergleich zu Placebo bei der Behandlung von erektiler Dysfunktion und Symptomen der unteren Harnwege bei Patienten mit spät einsetzendem Hypogonadismus: Eine placebokontrollierte Studie

Studienübersetzung: This study investigated the effectiveness of Tribulus terrestris compared to a placebo in treating erectile dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with late-onset hypogonadism. It was a prospective randomized placebo-controlled study. The study found that Tribulus terrestris showed no significant improvement compared to the placebo in treating these symptoms. The study was conducted by Lukas Rösler and the active substance used was Tribulus Terrestris, steroidal saponins. The study focused on the pathology/effect of erectile dysfunction, hypogonadism, and lower urinary tract symptoms. The study was published on June 27, 2023, and it does not have full-text available. The status marker, user marker, and self-user marker are present, indicating the completion and relevance of the study. The videoscript for this study has not been started yet. [1]

[1] GamalEl Din SF, Abdel Salam MA, Mohamed MS, Ahmed AR, Motawaa AT, Saadeldin OA, Elnabarway RR
Tribulus terrestris im Vergleich zu Placebo bei der Behandlung von erektiler Dysfunktion und Symptomen der unteren Harnwege bei Patienten mit spät einsetzendem Hypogonadismus: Eine placebokontrollierte Studie
Urologia. 2023 Jun;86(2):74-78. doi: